Top questions and answers about the HCA registration in California

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If you’re in California and are new to caregiving, navigating the HCA process can be daunting. Read this how-to guide first if you’re new to this process. Many of our YouTube subscribers have been asking us questions about it. Here are the top questions and answers!

I don’t have a driver’s license can I use California ID card?


Is the generic agency PIN number works for everyone or is it different for each candidate?

It works for all candidates. It just means you’re applying independently.

Do we have to be a CNA to apply for HCA caregiver?

Anybody can apply. Being registered makes you more interesting as a candidate, meaning that you’re way more likely to be hired quickly if you have it.

Is it redundant to get the HCA registration and also the live scan? Live scans cost like twice as much. Do you have to do the live scan at the same time for the HCA to be valid?

It is required to get the live scan in order to be registered. In other words, you need both the registration and the live scan in order to be fully approved. Many agencies (but not all) will pay for it. If you apply to an agency and say you started the HCA registration process, many agencies will help you pay for the rest. However, it’s always better to do it yourself in order to fast tract your application. You have plenty of time to do the livescan after the HCA application. The application itself should tell you more info about it.

Where should I go for my fingerprints?

You can use this site here -> and search based off of your zip code. After finding a location close to your home, give the location a call and ask about pricing (you will need a FBI & DOJ background check), and whether you need to make an appointment before walking in. Make sure you print out 2 copies of your LiveScan form and bring it to the fingerprinting facility (1 for you and 1 for the fingerprinting facility). You can also check our YouTube video about fingerprinting here.

Is there a way I pay for registering with cash?

No, there is no way you can pay with cash. The HCA Guardian registry does allow payment by check or money order. However, you would need to submit your HCA registry application through the mail (this prolongs your application process by at least a week) You can see how to do this here: If you want to keep your application online, then you would need to pay with a credit card.

How long does this process take to get a response or get licensed?

It depends whether the state finds something in your background check. If it does not find anything, then it can take a few weeks. If it does find something in the background check, then the state goes through a process of analyzing the case and deciding whether to forgive or not. If you think they may find something, we highly recommend to be as truthful as possible in the application and list everything that may come up. If you do that, this will accelerate this process.

On renewal, after inputting all personal information, the result is “not cleared”. What should I do?

We suggest verifying that your personal information is the same as your original HCA registry application. Any changes in your personal information, such as an update to a mailing address, that was not notified 10 days in advance to the Home Care Aide Registry or that was not updated through Guardian can result in a forfeiture of your registration. Here is the form you can use to inform the HCA registry of any personal information updates:

I also suggest viewing this quick breakdown of what each registration status label means:

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